There is a R markdown sharing website called RPubs but I tried putting the html code into blogger . The purpose here is to keep a note while exploring R.
combinig the columns in a df
The question is how do I combine the columns in a dataframe I tried using dplyr , but I realized that I’m still a novice So here is a solution in using base r
Create a df
combinig the columns in a df
Create a df
f = list("f1","f2","f3")
p = list("p1","p2","p3")
g = list("g1","g2","g3")
df =, family=f, genus=g))
## phylum family genus
## 1 p1 f1 g1
## 2 p2 f2 g2
## 3 p3 f3 g3
if it wasn't converted to a data.frame then this would have worked
cbind( paste0(df[1,],"_",df[2,],"_",df[3,]))
rbind( paste0(df[1,],"_",df[2,],"_",df[3,]))
# these two gives the same result
cbind( paste0(df[,1],"_",df[,2],"_",df[,3]))
cbind(paste0(df$phylum, "_", df$family, "_" , df$genus))
cbind(paste0(df$phylum, "_", df$family, "_" , df$genus))
## [,1]
## [1,] "p1_f1_g1"
## [2,] "p2_f2_g2"
## [3,] "p3_f3_g3"
# these two give the same results
rbind( paste0(df[,1],"_",df[,2],"_",df[,3]))
rbind(paste0(df$phylum, "_", df$family, "_" , df$genus))
rbind(paste0(df$phylum, "_", df$family, "_" , df$genus))
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] "p1_f1_g1" "p2_f2_g2" "p3_f3_g3"
Another easy way I found was :
as.matrix(lapply(df, function(x) paste(x, collapse="_") ))
phylum "p1_p2_p3"
family "f1_f2_f3"
genus "g1_g2_g3"
as.matrix(lapply(df, function(x) paste(x, collapse="_") ))
phylum "p1_p2_p3"
family "f1_f2_f3"
genus "g1_g2_g3"
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